When Not To Accept Cookies Online
When Not To Accept Cookies Online
12 Jun 2023

Who doesn’t love a free cookie – unless we’re talking about the digital ones, of course! Sometimes it’s safer not to accept them and we’re going to help you protect yourself online.

If you didn’t know, cookies are small files that can be installed on your device – be it your phone, laptop or tablet – after you visit a website. They aim to be useful, helping you to remember your login information, user preferences and browsing history. Still, while this can make cruising the internet an easier, slicker experience, they’re not always harmless. Here are a few situations where you probably don’t want to accept those cookies.

Suspicious Websites Are A Big No

If you’re browsing a website for the first time, particularly one that might ask you for sensitive information like your personal or banking details, you always want to verify its authenticity. There are many websites that might appear to be legitimate but have been cleverly designed to steal your personal information. If you accept this malicious website’s cookies, they can allow the site to track your online activity and potentially steal your private information.

Be Wary Of Public Devices

You’re in the airport. Your phone is dead. There’s a free-to-use tablet inviting you to log in for free and you’re desperate to check something online. We’ve all been there. But just remember that using a public or shared device can pose a risk to your privacy, especially if you’re accepting cookies. As an example, if you use a site that saves your login information, the next person who uses that device might be able to log in as though they were you with just a few simple clicks. This is why, if you’re using a public device, don’t accept the cookies always log out of your accounts and the clear the cookies and browsing history before you walk away.

Say No To Unnecessary Cookies

When visiting a website, some cookies may be created by third-party entities, such as advertisers or social media platforms, that can track user behaviour across multiple websites, potentially collecting sensitive information without your knowledge or consent. Always be cautious when accepting third-party cookies and only allow them on websites that you trust. As an FYI, MiWayLife is a safe website (see the “s” in our https:// address? That stands for “secure”!)

Additionally, some websites may ask you to accept cookies that are not necessary for their functionality, such as to show personalised ads, which can allow advertisers to track your activity online. Just say no. If it’s not essential for you to use the site, you don’t want them.

Need more information on MiWayLife? Read about our life insurance product, or get a life insurance quote in 30 seconds. Alternatively, call us on 0860 64 54 33 .
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