Ensuring Your Love Lasts A Lifetime With Life Insurance
Ensuring Your Love Lasts A Lifetime With Life Insurance
05 Feb 2024

Wondering how life insurance fits in with Valentine’s Day? Turns out, it’s the ultimate happily ever after.

Do you have any big plans for Valentine’s Day? Either way, if you don’t have life insurance, you might want to think about making a “date” with MiWayLife. After all, life insurance really is one of the best plans you can make. Still, in the same way that the stages of love are always evolving, so should your approach to life insurance.

You’re only young once 

If you’re in your early 20s and don’t even have a sweetheart, let alone any dependents, you might think you don’t have any reason to have a life insurance policy but we can give you plenty. For starters, did you know that the younger and healthier you are the lower your life insurance premiums are likely to be? In short, your good health is your “discount” so it’s a great idea to invest in life insurance sooner rather than later and lock in super low premiums. Also, should you pass away, remember that your debts don’t die with you. With a life insurance policy in place you can rest assured that anything you owe doesn’t land up being a burden to the people you love.

Growing commitment, growing coverage

Have you finally met the one? As your relationship deepens and grows, so should your life insurance coverage. With MiWayLife, you can change your beneficiary at any time or simply add to the list, so now’s a good time to prioritise protecting your partner. Something else you can change? Your coverage amount! After all, more responsibilities or a growing family will naturally increase your ideal coverage amount. With a life insurance policy, you can rest assured that, should you pass away, your beneficiaries can use their lump sum pay out however they wish. This could include daily living expenses, education costs, the remainder of your bond or even a new home.

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Love in the long haul


About to celebrate a golden anniversary? Congrats! As you and your partner approach retirement, life insurance can take on a new role in legacy planning. As an example, if your kids are all grown up and you no longer have to worry about things like being able to afford those expensive university fees, you can reduce your life insurance coverage amount to lower your premiums. Or you could simply leave it as is so your family can enjoy an added layer of financial protection on top of any savings you’d like them to inherit. (On this subject, did you know that MiWayLife can also help you out with creating a Will?) 

Ultimately, as February unfolds and we celebrate another month of love, use this time to think about how life insurance can grow as you do, offering a lasting legacy of love and financial security.

Did You Know:

You can apply for a Will online with MiWayLife? You can also take out life cover with us online in a few simple steps. No calls and no agents! Make sure to take care of those you love today by buying MiWayLife cover online.


Need more information on MiWayLife? Read about our life insurance product, or get a life insurance quote in 30 seconds. Alternatively, call us on 0860 64 54 33 .
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Terms and conditions apply. Eligibility, cover and benefits are determined on individual risk profile. MiWayLife is an authorised FSP (No. 45741) and its product offering is underwritten by Sanlam Life Insurance Limited, a registered long-term insurer. MiWayLife is a division of Sanlam Life Insurance Limited - Reg No. 1998/021121/06