5 Interesting Ways to Get Buried
5 Interesting Ways to Get Buried
11 Aug 2021

You would probably rather choose public speaking, the second most common thing that people fear than to be confronted with death.

Sometimes having control over some aspects of death can ease the anxiety of dying like being able to choose how you are buried. If the thought of being enclosed in a coffin makes you feel uneasy, there are alternative ways to choose to be buried. Here are five interesting ways to be buried.


Back to basics with natural burials

The embalming process that comes with being buried is something that may give some people sleepless nights. Furthermore, the environmental toll that comes with preserving bodies and sealing them in a coffin can be something that some people want to avoid altogether. Therefore, choosing a natural burial which leaves out the embalming process and sees a person being buried in a biodegradable coffin is an option. You can also opt to have your ashes scattered or being buried under a tree with the tree acting as a tombstone. 


Get launched into space

If you have the money to spare and space has always fascinated you, you can choose it as a final resting place. Space burials, which have been done since 1992, is when a small amount of your ashes are placed in a capsule and launched into space. However, if the thought of floating amongst the stars seems too vast and lonely for you, you can opt for our next interesting way of being buried. 


Be a stunning piece of jewellery

Out of the ashes you can arise as a beautiful diamond or a piece of jewellery to be worn by your loved ones wherever they go. Memorial diamonds are synthetic diamonds that are created in a lab. Cremains have carbon that can be found in diamonds. A careful filtration and purification technique is used to turn a person's remains into a diamond or jewels.


Going out with a bang

Having a final display of your wonderful life in the form of being buried in fireworks could be the thing for you. There are companies that offer to have cremains placed into fireworks and shot up into the air in a beautiful display. Now that's one way to end things on a high note.


Being one with nature

The thought of returning to nature in the most natural way possible is now possible with conservation burials. You or your loved ones can pay a burial fee to have you buried in a conservation cemetery. Most of these types of burials are done in conservation areas where animals and trees are left to roam and grow freely while preserving the land. It also means reducing the environmental impact that comes with being buried in a coffin in a cemetery. 


Whichever way you choose to be buried; it is important to have a funeral policy to shoulder the costs. Get more controlled over how you get buried by getting an obligation-free quote today. 

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