5 Games That Can Help Your Child’s Development
5 Games That Can Help Your Child’s Development
13 Mar 2023

Who says you can't learn while you play? Play forms an important part of your child's development, especially when it comes to developing social skills that can help them navigate the world at a later stage. Here are some fun focused games that can help with your child's development.

Boosting Their Communication Skills

Helping your child become confident in the way in which they express themselves by having the right tools for each stage of their progress can go a long way. Encourage them to interact in both verbal and non-verbal communication to help them build their communication skills by doing things such as reading, creating stories together, colour recognition games, role playing games, or fun tongue twisters.

Improve Their Mental Strength

Children are always learning and absorbing information the same way that we do, even when we are not aware of it. Cognitive activities are created to help children learn, process information and strengthen their memory. Engaging in games such as hide and seek, finding hidden objects, being able to identify sounds or pictures, and tapping into arty activities can also assist their creative thinking.

Social & Emotional Skills

Social interaction forms a crucial part of our lives. Helping your child navigate various social and emotional situations through play can make it easier to engage with other children and people around them. Games to encourage them to play are things such as; playing with other children their age, pretend games, playing interactive games such as role playing with toys, puppets or a game they have made up.

Helping Their Motor Skills

Children are inquisitive and as they grow, they begin to use their senses to engage with the world around them. It also means that they will need help in strengthening their motor skills in their legs, hands and arms. Choosing age-appropriate tasks that can help them achieve this such as picking up objects, doing tidy-up time together, teaching them how to drink from a cup or even pouring things into a cup. You can also make it creative and fun for them by painting, cutting with scissors, scooping sand and playing ball games to name a few.

Music Activities To Get Them Moving

The beauty of music is that it can be felt by anyone at any age. It is also a great way to get your child moving, improving their verbal skills and tapping into their gross motor skills. You can do things such as reading or singing nursery rhymes together, singing songs, allowing them to explore musical instruments, creating your own sounds with child friendly objects that can be found around the house and dancing. Turn it into a fun game that will get both of you moving and learning.

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